Are you even Beautiful?

Jennifer Urban
1 min readApr 29, 2021

Beauty standards are always changing.

You do not need to conform to society’s standards of beauty.

I get it, I know that the pressure is real.

But I want you to know…

That it is perfectly okay to not be perfect!

I want you to know that you are perfect in your own way!

I want you to know that you are beautiful just as you are!

Natural beauty is beautiful!

It would be so easy to just create this illusion in our heads that we are perfect because we want to be liked, noticed, accepted, and superior to those around us…but look, you will never reach perfection. You will never reach that level of happiness that you are striving for and as much as we want to believe that it is reachable, it is not.

And the thing is, you have to remain true to yourself and stand strong because the pressure is real and with how often the beauty standards change, don’t change who you are for the World around you or to be accepted. Beauty standards are always changing and they will always change.

Beauty standards aren’t obtainable.

You’re rocking that natural beauty!! Keep doing it!



Jennifer Urban

Just a fun little space where I can dive into the depths of my mind and unravel my thoughts and put them into words.