Firefighters and Mental Health

Jennifer Urban
4 min readMay 3, 2021

Mental Health is not a taboo subject, as much as society would like to make sure that it is. Mental Health is real, very real. If you think you’re mentally strong enough to believe that you will never struggle with it, then you’re wrong. It comes in mild forms and it comes in more severe forms. Either way, it will surface (I can guarantee) at some point in your life if it hasn’t already.

As a very empathetic being, I know what it is like to sit back and watch a friend drown themselves in a bottle of vodka (half a handle in one night), and it’s painful — very painful. I also know someone else that struggled with drug addiction. Again, painful to watch, and sadly he is no longer with us. I am a very nurturing, empathetic person, and I am often that person to want to run to the person who is emotionally, physically, or mentally hurt and try to “save” them or nurture them back to good health in whichever way that is. Sadly, some people are long gone and unable to be fixed when they have accepted that this is who they are, or have settled in their way of life and have no hope for themselves.

I want to touch on the topic of Firefighters because there are too many of them leaving this Earth. Correct me if I am wrong, but when you get sworn into becoming a Firefighter or even a Police Officer. You walk into this type of “Brotherhood/Sisterhood” and once you’re in…you promise to walk this journey together until the end of watch, right. Or retirement for most?
I’m sure that the human brain walking into any type of profession has this subconscious confidence, cockiness, or arrogance no matter how humble you are on the outside that only you can feel within you, and you say whatever “promise” you say to yourself, that you won’t be like the last guy who let their mental health affect them, or you won’t let PTSD take you down. Whatever? I’m sure at one point in your career you have had some kind of thought, just did or still do!

Well, I’m here to tell you that Mental Health is real. We can become oblivious to it, although you see it within your career so often. Sadly, you only ever know that someone was struggling until it is too late, but we don’t need to let it get to that point!

Let’s look at the definition of culture-

The definition of culture is,
-The beliefs, customs, arts, etc. Of a particular society, group, place, or time.
-A particular society that has its own beliefs, ways of life, art, etc.
-A way of thinking, behaving, or working that exists in a place or organization, such as a business.
When reading these definitions, I can certainly see how the Fire and EMS industry falls into the category of having its own culture.

I saw a quote from a Retired Fire Captain and Mental Health Counselor, who said it best: “We track and validate firefighters and EMT suicides. One key component is the belief that we are “brainwashed” into acting with certain characteristics to perform these very difficult tasks that fall within our jobs.”

He then goes on to say that when he says that they have been culturally brainwashed, it is not intended to be taken negatively, but more of a way of life. He then states that since our first days in EMS classes, or fire academies, individuals are trained to be brave, strong, courageous, give help, don’t ask for help, and to handle their issues on their own.

This right here is where this brainwashing mentality soaks into the mind. When you have this constant pressure to not ask for help and to handle your issues on your own… well, this is the simplest of pretty huge statements! Anytime you feel the urge to speak up, you don’t, because you think back to the time this was implanted into your mind! There needs to be a stipulation that encourages you all to ask for help and to stop feeling bad about doing so. I don’t know how well this profession handles Mental Health and PTSD, but from an outsider’s point of view, I don’t feel like enough is done in allowing these men and women to swallow their pride, allow the wall to come down, and speak out!

I understand you feel like you must maintain this “said” image, but an image is just that: an image. Who cares! Don’t conform just to withhold a certain image when your mental health is on the line. SCREW THE IMAGE, seriously. STAND UP, SPEAK UP, GET HELP, and know that it is OKAY!! Know that you are not going to be barked at or disowned by opening up about your fears, struggles, flashbacks, and memories.

Look at it like a chia pet- 🤣 You have to water it to watch it grow. And by not watering it, it won’t grow! If you overwater it, you’ll flood it, and, like in a garden, you’ll drown the plants and it’ll take even longer for them to grow. The same goes for your mental health. The longer you deny it, the deeper rooted the pain is going to be. Begin now!! You deserve it for the well-being of your mental health… don’t wait until it’s too late and know that it is going to be ok and there is NO SHAME in coming forward.

Talk through your pain. You don’t ever need to feel like you have to mask it with alcohol or addictive behaviors because it’s not healthy and will never be!!

It’s going to be ok and you’re going to be ok! you got this!!
Good luck! ❤



Jennifer Urban

Just a fun little space where I can dive into the depths of my mind and unravel my thoughts and put them into words.